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Invitation to NEMO Summer School - The 10th Edition, Vienna, AT



Dear Colleague, 


Based on your experience and involvement with the Sestosenso Project of Horizon Europe, we would like to draw your attention to the NEMO Summer School. As partners of the FAIRWork project, we trust this could be a valuable resource to your project activities & further research. 


This year, NEMO is celebrating 10 editions


    NEMO is a two-week summer school that takes place at the University of Vienna and is the international educational platform of OMiLAB NPO (www.omilab.org/brochure). NEMO2024 takes place between July 15th and 26th, 2024 at the University of Vienna, Austria. The program focuses on designing and implementing enterprise digital twins and ecosystems based on conceptual modelling methods (www.omilab.org/nemo).  It combines both lectures and practical sessions. It is for Master and Ph.D./doctorate students, young academic researchers, and industry practitioners with a research background in Computer Science, Business Informatics, Information Systems, Business Administration, Industrial Management, Service Science, etc. The participation fee includes 12 nights of hotel accommodation, breakfast, coffee breaks, lunch, course materials, and one outdoor event. “Become a Digital Leader!” is our motto for all participants and 6 ECTS are granted.


APPLICATION OPENhttps://nemo.omilab.org/application/


Please find more information in the Call for Participation: https://nemo.omilab.org/nemo/2024/docs/NEMO2024_CfP.pdf


It would be our pleasure to welcome you and participants from your side! In case of further questions, please get in touch.


Best regards,

The OMiLAB Team


Lützowufer 1
10785 Berlin, Deutschland

Tel: +49-30-263 678 63
E-Mail: office@omilab.org

GeschäftsführerIn: Knut HINKELMANN,  Wilfrid UTZ
Handelsregisternummer: HRB 193863B

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