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EUA - ocenjevanje prijav MSCA



sSstrani EUA smo prejeli prošnjo za pomoč pri ocenjevanju programa MSCA4Ukraine oz. prispelih projektnih prijav na razpis.


V primeru interesa, naj raziskovalci oz. pedagogi pošljejo kratko sporočilo, vključijo svoj profil, e-mail naslov ter disciplino v okviru katere, bi lahko strokovno ocenjevali projektne predloge na naslov: MSCA4Ukraine-evaluation@avh.de


Spodaj je zbranih nekaj področij za FPP


Research Area Research Area
Engineering Science Chemical and Thermal Process
Engineering Science Energy Process Engineering
Engineering Science


Traffic and Transport Systems, Intelligent
and Automated Traffic and Transport


Engineering Science Electrical Semiconductors, Components,
Circuits, Systems
Engineering Science Communication and High-Frequency
Technology, Theoretical Electrical


Engineering Science Safety and Reliability


Humanities English Language (Linguistics)


Mathematics Ordinary differential equations
Mathematics Partial differential equations
Mathematics Geometry
Mathematics Probability theory and stochastic processes
Mathematics Statistics
Mathematics Numerical analysis
Mathematics Mathematics in fluid mechanics


Social and Behavioural Sciences Economic Theory
Social and Behavioural Sciences Economic Policy, Applied Economics


Social and Behavioural Sciences Business Administration
Social and Behavioural Sciences Principles of Law and Jurisprudence
Social and Behavioural Sciences Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law,
Sociology of Law


Social and Behavioural Sciences Private Law, Civil Law
Social and Behavioural Sciences Commercial Law, Trade Law
Social and Behavioural Sciences Civil Procedural Law


Social and Behavioural Sciences Public Law
Social and Behavioural Sciences General Public Law, Administrative Law
Social and Behavioural Sciences International Public Law
Social and Behavioural Sciences European Community Law