The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport is a member of the University of Ljubljana, which dates its origins back to the 16th century. The University of Ljubljana was formally established as an independent institution in 1919. The university is the largest higher education institution in Slovenia, with almost 38,000 students and more than 6,000 employees.
The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport is an education and training institution that also engages in scientific and research work predominantly in the fields of maritime studies, transport, traffic, and transport logistics. In 2020 it celebrated the 60th anniversary of its activity.
Our Faculty offers first-cycle (professional and academic), second-cycle (master’s degree) and third-cycle (doctoral) study programmes.
First-cycle professional degree study programmes:
- Transport Technology and Transport Logistics,
- Navigation,
- Marine Engineering.
First-cycle academic study programme:
- Transport Technology and Logistics
Second-cycle master’s degree study programmes:
- Maritime Studies
- Transport Studies
Third-cycle doctoral study programme:
- Maritime and Transport Science
In 1960, the Maritime College (VPŠ) in Piran was established. In addition to the founding departments of navigation and marine engineering, the Maritime Junior College opened a maritime economics department. In 1977/78, this department was transformed into an independent junior college degree programme in Transport Technology. Other important milestones in the development of the Faculty happened in the year 1992 with the establishment of the College of Maritime Studies and Transport, in the year 1993 with the Higher Education Act that separated higher education institutions into universities, faculties, academies of art, and higher vocational colleges, and finally in the year 1995 with the Decree of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on the transformation of the College of Maritime Studies and Transport into the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport of the University of Ljubljana.
The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport has gained national and international standing in the education of academic and professional human resources in the fields of maritime studies, transport, traffic, and transport logistics, and research activities in these fields. In 2009/10 the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport completed the reorganisation of all study programmes in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Reform of higher education: three first-cycle professional degree study programmes, one first-cycle academic degree study programme, two second-cycle master’s degree study programmes, and a third-cycle doctoral degree study programme.
Transport is experiencing great technical, technological, and organisational changes. The concept of transport and the processes of transport technologies of individual modes of transport are undergoing constant modernisation. Transport logistics, with its structure and functions, embraces virtually all economic and social activities. The development of science in the field of operational research and information technology provides just-in-time supply and enables the increasing competitiveness of transport services.
The use of information technology, automation and specialisation in maritime transport is increasing. Ports, which are becoming the most important logistics link in the transport chain, have adapted to the changes in the maritime transport market.
In order to take advantage of its favourable littoral and geo-transport position in Europe and enable efficient operation of the transport system, Slovenia needs highly qualified experts. These experts should master the theory of systems, the theory of management, the problems concerning the exploitation of transport infrastructure and means, technology and organisation of traffic, transport logistics, economy and safety of traffic, transport sustainability, etc.
The studies at the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport are compliant with the Higher Education Act, the Statute of the University of Ljubljana, and the Rules of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport.
The academic first-cycle study programme of Transport Technology and Logistics is a holder of international verification of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI). Accordingly, the graduates can be awarded the title of EUR ING. The first-cycle professional degree study programmes of navigation and marine engineering are verified by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and compliant with the quality standards of the international 1995 STCW Convention and Code, as amended, and regularly audited by the European Maritime Safety Agency.