The research and development activities of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport are embedded in a variety of different activities.
The Slovene Association of Transport Sciences was established on 10 May 1996 with the main objective to provide links between transport and traffic research and the industry. Today, the core mission of the Association is the organisation of the International Conference on Transport Sciences - ICTS.
With the ultimate goal to promote science, research and achievements in the field of transport and transport technology, the first issue of the Promet journal was published in August 1989 by the publishing house of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the University of Zagreb. A few years later, the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport of the University of Ljubljana and the Institute for the Study of Transport within the European Economic Integration (ISTIEE) of the University of Trieste joined this initiative as co-publishers. Today the journal is published under the name PROMET - Traffic&Transportation.
The bibliographies of our researchers include numerous papers published in highly recognised international journals and monographs. In addition, our researchers act as reviewers and/or co-editors, and members of editorial boards of international journals and scientific committees of international conferences.
The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport collaborates in several national and international projects (basic, applied or fundamental), financed by the industry or national and international project budgets.
With the objective to centralise all information and documents related to research and development, the EU has established portals with information on research data, calls, partnership requests, etc., for example, EOSC, Funding & Tender Opportunities.