The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Marine Engineering

Maritime English


Content according to IMO Model course 7.04:

(English covered by secondary school curricula and absolved by the students)

Use English in written and oral form according to the requirements of IMO model course 3.17, Maritime English 2015 Edition.


Content according to IMO Model course 7.03:

English language (IMO model course 3.17 2015 Edition)

Use of IMO Standard Marine Communication phrases


Content according to IMO Model course 3.17 2015 Edition:

Use English in written and oral form.


Goals and competencies

The learning objective of the course is to teach students how to communicate in English, the official language of the maritime industry since 1973. Future Officers of the Watch learn how to use standard marine communication phrases in spoken and written communication to be able to engage in intership, intraship and ship-shore communication, in particular to enhance navigational safety. They will understand reference books, manuals and other publications required to ensure safe and efficient work on board ships.


Special features:

Implementation of the learning content includes requirements in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Convention A-II / 1, A III/1 and the recommendations of the "Officer in charge of a navigational watch (Model course 7.03)" International Maritime Organization, London, 2014, Officer and charge of an engineering watch (Model course 7.04)" International Maritime Organization, London, 2014 and IMO Model Course 3.17 2015 Edition, International Maritime Organization, London, 2015.

Basic literature

  1. Jurkovič, Violeta. 2014. Introduction to Maritime English. Portorož: FPP.
  2. Fabe, D in V. Suban. 2003/2015. Pomorska govorna komunikacija/Maritime Verbal Communication, 307 str. ISBN: 961-6044-60-5
  3. Cluijven van, P. 2005. The International Maritime Language Programme. Alk&Heijnen Publishers, Alkmaar, The Netherlands, 416 str. ISBN: 90-5961-006-7

