The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Logistics (UNI)

Proceedings for the academic year 2025/2026



The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport of the University of Ljubljana offers a first-cycle academic degree study programme in Transport Technology and Logistics.


Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)

ETCS: 180

Graduates from this study programme may decide to continue their studies in the second-cycle master's degree study programmes of Maritime Studies or of Transport Studies, also offered by the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport. 

The professional title conferred upon graduation: BSc in Transport Technology and Logistics (diplomirani inženir tehnologije prometa (UN), diplomirana inženirka tehnologije prometa (UN)).





The main objective of the first-cycle academic degree study programme of Transport Technology and Logistics is to provide students with learning opportunities for the construction of high-quality knowledge, skills, and competences in the broad field of transport-traffic-transport logistics. Graduates from this study programme may either seek employment or continue their studies in a second-cycle master's degree study programme. 

This study programme is based on the principles promoted by the Bologna Declaration, the European University Association (EUA), the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI), and the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes. The wide selection of elective courses and mobility opportunities enable the students to acquire knowledge, skills, and competences as well as employment qualifications comparable at the European level. 


By enrolling in this study programme, students will: 

  • acquire qualifications comparable to those provided by related study programmes in Europe,
  • be able to transfer to another related first-cycle degree study programme in Slovenia or abroad by transferring the ECTS credits earned,
  • be able to transfer between study programmes and modes of study,
  • be able to refer to the tutelage system to improve their learning conditions and progression rate.


The general competences acquired through this study programme are related to the fields of transport technology and logistics. More specifically, graduates will be able to:

- understand and provide creative solutions to professional problems,

- develop critical, analytical, and synthetic thinking skills,

- develop professional responsibility and ethics,

- communicate in professional contexts in written and oral form, including the use of professional English,

- use information-communication technologies,

- acquire lifelong learning skills,

- independently use theoretical knowledge to provide solutions to practical problems,

- work in teams, 

- develop communication skills and professional ethics in the complex world of transport technology, traffic, and transport logistics activities,

- follow the guidelines and standards of the Engineering Code of Practice,

- continue their studies in second-cycle master's degree study programmes.

1. year
Ord. Subject Semester Indep. work of stud. Hours ECTS points
Winter Summer
1 Computer and Information Science 45 0 43 0 0           88 176 7
2 Economics 30 10 25 0 0           65 130 5
3 Engineering Drawing 30 10 30 0 0           70 140 5
4 Mathematics I 45 0 30 0 0           75 150 6
5 Transport System 45 15 30 0 0           90 180 7
6 Electrical Engineering in Modern Traffic           45 0 30 0 0 75 150 6
7 Mathematics II           45 0 30 0 0 75 150 6
8 The Basics of Law           45 25 0 0 0 70 140 5
9 Traffic Related Mechanics           30 0 45 0 0 75 150 6
10 Transport Engineering           45 15 30 0 0 90 180 7
2. year
Ord. Subject Semester Indep. work of stud. Hours ECTS points
Winter Summer
1 Means of Transport 30 15 30 0 0           75 150 6
2 Probability and Statistics 45 15 25 0 0           85 170 6
3 Professional English I 30 15 22 0 0           67 134 5
4 Transport Economics 45 0 20 0 0           65 130 5
5 Transport Infrastructure 30 15 30 0 0           75 150 6
6 Transport Law 30 30 0 0 0           60 120 4
7 A Theory of Logistics and Supply Chain           45 15 15 0 0 75 150 6
8 Basics of Traffic Flow Theory           30 5 30 0 0 65 130 5
9 Hazardous Chemicals in Transportation           45 15 15 0 0 75 150 6
10 Operational Research           30 15 0 0 0 45 90 3
11 Transport Technology           45 15 30 0 11 101 202 8
3. year
Ord. Subject Semester Indep. work of stud. Hours ECTS points
Winter Summer
1 30 10 30 0 0           70 140 5
2 30 10 30 0 0           70 140 5
3 Intelligent Transportation Systems and Services 30 10 30 0 0           70 140 5
4 Management and Leadership 30 20 15 0 0           52 117 4
5 Organization in Traffic 30 15 20 0 0           52 117 4
6 Planning of Transport Systems 30 10 15 0 10           65 130 5
7 The Basis of the Freight Forwarding Business 30 0 35 0 0           52 117 4
8           30 10 30 0 0 70 140 5
9           30 10 30 0 0 70 140 5
10 Diploma Project           5 0 0 0 35 100 140 5
11 Environmental Science and Protection           30 15 20 0 0 52 117 4
12 Traffic Safety           30 0 35 0 0 52 117 4
13 Urban Transport           30 15 15 0 5 65 130 5
3. year - Optional subjects
Ord. Subject Semester Indep. work of stud. Hours ECTS points
Winter Summer
1 Internal Transport and Warehousing 30 10 30 0 0           70 140 5
2 Management of Supply Chain and Distribution 30 10 30 0 0           70 140 5
3 Measurements in Traffic 30 10 30 0 0           70 140 5
4 Professional English II 30 10 30 0 0           70 140 5
3. year - Optional subjects
Ord. Subject Semester Indep. work of stud. Hours ECTS points
Winter Summer
1 Human Resources Management in Transport           30 10 30 0 0 70 140 5
2 Information Science in Logistics           30 10 30 0 0 70 140 5
3 Organization and Business of Transport Companies           30 10 30 0 0 70 140 5
4 Student Tutoring Program           6 6 8 0 20 40 80 3
5 Transport Insurance Law           30 40 0 0 0 70 140 5

Elective courses and mobility opportunities


In the third year of study, students can select four courses (with a total of 20 ECTS) from the inventory of elective courses. Six among these ECTS can be earned by selecting (previously uncompleted) elective courses provided by other study programmes at the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport or by other faculties of the University of Ljubljana (with the consent of the home institution). 

Enrolment in the first-cycle academic degree study programme of Transport Technology and Logistics is open to all candidates that completed their four-year secondary school studies:

1. with a general school-leaving exam (matura)

2. with a vocational school-leaving exam (matura) and an additional exam from the inventory of general matura subjects that had not been taken for the vocational matura

3. before 1 June 1995. 

Selection criteria for candidates:

a. under points 1 and 2 above (if restricted enrolment is applied):

  • matura or vocational matura average grade - 60%
  • secondary school average grade in the third and fourth years - 40%

b. under point 3 above:

  • vocational matura average grade - 40%

  • secondary school average grade in the third and fourth years - 40%

  • additional matura exam grade - 20%.

Procedure and Criteria on the Recognition of Knowledge


Students may apply for the recognition of knowledge acquired at different educational institutions if this is in content and scope compliant with the content and objectives of the first-cycle study programmes at the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport. The body appointed for the implementation of the procedure to recognise the knowledge previously obtained is the Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport. The recognition procedure starts on request by the candidate who submits an application, certificates and other documents that serve as evidence of the previously acquired knowledge and are compliant with the Rules on the Procedure and Criteria on the Recognition of the Knowledge and Skills Obtained through Informal Learning, accepted by the Senate of the University of Ljubljana at its 15th Session of 29 May 2007. If previously obtained knowledge can be recognised, it may be evaluated with the same number of ECTS awarded to the relevant course. 

The following criteria are applied by the Academic Affairs Committee in the recognition procedure before enrolment:

- eligibility for enrolment into different forms of education (required previous level of education),

- comparability of the scope of education (number of hours of previous education if compared against the number of hours of the relevant course),

- comparability of the content of previous education if compared against the relevant course. 

The previously acquired knowledge may be recognised as a completed study requirement if the enrolment criteria met include at least secondary school qualifications, if previous education covered a minimum of 75% of the relevant course, and if previous education covered at least 75% of the content of the relevant course. 

If these conditions are met, the previously acquired knowledge is granted the number of ECTS awarded to the relevant course. 


Advancement into a higher year of study is open to students that have before the end of the current academic year completed all necessary requirements, as defined by the study programme. Advancement into the third or higher year of study is open to students that have completed all requirements, as defined by the study programme, of the year of study preceding the current enrolment year. 


Advancement into a higher year of study is open to all students that have earned the following number of ECTS:

- for advancement into the second year, at least 50 ECTS earned in first-year courses,

- for advancement into the third year, a minimum of 60 ECTS earned in first-year courses and a minimum of 50 ECTS in second-year courses. 


If approved by the Academic Affairs Committee, exceptional advancement into the higher year of study may be granted if in accordance with the justified reasons acknowledged by the Statute of the University of Ljubljana:

- advancement into the second year of study if a minimum of 40 ECTS from completing first-year courses has been earned,

- advancement into the third year of study if a minimum of 100 ECTS from completing first-year (60 ECTS) and second-year (40 ECTS) courses has been earned. 


Repetition of a year of study is open to students that have earned the following number of ECTS:

- for the repetition of the first year, a minimum of 20 ECTS,

- for the repetition of the second year, a minimum of 60 ECTS earned from completing first-year courses, and a minimum of 20 ECTS earned in second-year courses.




Transfers between study programmes are possible under the conditions set out in the valid rules for transfers between study programmes. The body competent for approving student applications for transfers between study programmes is the Senate of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport based on a proposal made by the Academic Affairs Committee submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the University of Ljubljana. For each candidate, the Academic Affairs Committee defines the scope of the recognition of previously completed study requirements, additional study requirements, and the year of enrolment.

The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport provides two modes of study: full-time and part-time.


Full-time study

Full-time study is offered for all first-cycle degree study programmes.


Part-time study

Part-time study is offered for both second-cycle and all first-cycle degree study programmes.

Part-time study is equivalent to full-time study in terms of its content and level of difficulty. A part-time student shall meet all study requirements set for full-time students. The part-time study of the first-cycle academic degree study programme of Transport Technology and Logistics is organised at the seat of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport in Portorož. The part-time study of the first-cycle professional degree study programme of Transport Technology and Transport Logistics is organised at the seat of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport in Portorož, and in Ljubljana. The part-time study of the first-cycle professional degree study programmes of Navigation and of Marine Engineering is organised at the seat of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport in Portorož.

If a study programme is selected by a low number of students, the educational process is organised in the form of consultative meetings: 1 hour if the number of enrolled students is 1 to 5, 4 hours if the number of enrolled students is 6 to 9. In this case, the autonomous study process of the students is based on the study materials made available by the lecturers, introductory sessions with the lecturer, and individual or group (in person, by phone, by email) consultative meetings with the lecturer. All consultative meetings are organised in the afternoons and on Saturdays, within the limitations of the available facilities and resources. 

In order to graduate from this study programme, a student must complete all study requirements (180 ECTS) set by all obligatory and elective courses.

One of the obligatory courses is the Degree Project that each student defends to their selected mentor.

The study requirements of each course are set in the course syllabuses.

University University of Ljubljana
Higher education institution Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport (0000065)
Higher education institution acronym UL FPP
eVŠ code of the study programme  0000917
Study programme name Transport Technology and Logistics
Level First-cycle
Type Academic 
Combined N
Teacher education N
Interdisciplinary N
Joint N
Transnational education N
KLASIUS_SRV 16204 - Academic higher education (first Bologna cycle)
Duration in years 3
Number of ECTS 180
KLASIUS-P (main) 8400
KLASIUS-P (other)  
KLASIUS-P-16 main  
KLASIUS-P-16 other 1041
Academic or professional title BSc in Transport Technology and Logistics (diplomirani inženir tehnologije prometa (UN))
Academic or professional title (abbreviated) dipl. inž. tehnol. prom. ( UN)
Number and date of accreditation decision 6033-90/2008/2 (23 October 2008)
Number and date of accreditation extension decision 6033-56/2015/9 (15 September 2016)
Starting date of accreditation validity  23 October 2008


BSc in Transport Technology and Logistics




Qualification type First-cycle degree (academic)
Qualification category Education 
Education type Higher education academic education
Duration in years  3 


180 ECTS


Enrolment conditions
  • general matura (secondary school-leaving exam) or
  • vocational matura (secondary school-leaving exam) and an additional exam from the general matura subjects; the additional exam shall not be taken in a subject already taken for the vocational matura, or
  • secondary school-leaving exam completed before 1 June 1995. 
ISCED broad field Services
ISCED narrow field Transport services
Qualification level



Additional information is available here.


Tehnologija prometa in logistika

Ime v angleščini

Traffic Technology and Logistics

Strokovni oz. znanstveni ali umetniški naslov (moški)

diplomirani inženir tehnologije prometa (UN)

Strokovni oz. znanstveni ali umetniški naslov (ženski)

diplomirana inženirka tehnologije prometa (UN)

Strokovni oz. znanstveni ali umetniški naslov (okrajšava)

(dipl. inž. tehnol. prom. (UN))

Strokovni oz. znanstveni ali umetniški naslov (poimenovanje v angleškem jeziku in okrajšava)

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)