The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Logistics



•    Definition of economics and economical science
•    Basic economic concepts and issues
•    Market mechanism
•    Production theory
•    Basic macroeconomic concepts, questions and indicators
•    Money and inflation
•    Macroeconomic equilibrium
•    National unemployment 
•    Fiscal policy
•    Foreign trade and foreign trade policy


Goals and competencies

Subject-specific competencies and objectives relate to knowledge of the basic micro and macro-economic problems and their most prevalent solutions. The students will learn how to apply selected theoretical economic approaches on practical cases of real economy in Slovenia in connection with global economic processes.

Basic literature

  1. Prašnikar J., Domadenik P., Koman M. (2008): Mikroekonomija, Ljubljana: GV Založba
  2. Setnikar-Cankar S., Hrovatin N. (2007): Temelji ekonomije, Ljubljana: Fakulteta za upravo
  3. Babić M. (2011): Ekonomija – Uvod u analizu i politiku, Zagreb: Znanje 

