Military operations
- historical development of warfare and military sciences;
- war, military operations, armed conflicts;
- warfighting environments,
- the doctrines of the land, air and naval forces and the principles of operation of the joint tactical unit
- land warfare; the concept of combat operations of platoon, troops, battalions, independently and within a unit of the joint tactical level;
- military capabilities and armament systems
Goals and competencies
The students learn abstract thinking and gain knowledge to solve tactical tasks in combat and non-combat operations, and to critically evaluate and plan the use of military capabilities and armamnent systems.
Basic literature
- Furlan, B. (2006). Bojno delovanje : skripta. Ljubljana: Poveljstvo za doktrino, razvoj, izobraževanje in usposabljanje.
- Humar, D. (1996). Pehotna (gorska, motorizirana) četa-vod : taktični priročnik za bojevanje. Uprava za razvoj.
- Škerbinc, M., Božič, D., Zakrajšek, P., & Petek, A. (2007). Lahki pehotni (motorizirani) bataljon : navodilo. Poveljstvo za doktrino, razvoj, izobraževanje in usposabljanje;
- Priročnik za poveljnike oddelkov, MORS, Ljubljana, 1998;
- Žabkar, A. (2007). Pehotna oborožitev in oprema : stanje in smeri razvoja. Defensor.