The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Nautical Studies



The influence of sailing, windsurfing and boating on functional and motor skills. Obtaining and developing functional and motor skills through various forms of water sports-sailing, sailing on boats, SUP. The importance of active leisure time. Ship ropes. picking and taking ropes. Developing ropes. Stacking the rope after use. Maintenance of ship's ropes. Steel ropes. Vozli. Subvezes. Spliced ​​ropes. Vessels. Types of vessels. Basic equipment. Maintenance and protection of the vessel. Maneuvering by boat (boat, boat, boat). Maneuvering and leaving the ship's connection. Maneuver anchor with one and two anchors. Stop the crash stop. MOB maneuver (full turn, Williamson, Scharnow). Practical exercises for various emergency situations. Swimming technique - crav. Diving, time and length. Jump into the water and dive from the boat as an exercise of survival at sea. Solving the drowning. Receiving a drowned man in an unconscious, semi-conscious, and conscious state. A culture of behavior at sea. Basics of sailing and sailing on a board. The physical basics of sailing and the construction of a boat and a glider. Parts and equipment of sailing boats and sailing boats. Corner and crew. Sailing clothes and personal equipment. Total and personal safety equipment, departure and arrival. Technique and tactics of sports sailing. Reduction of sails. Basic controls. The principle of work on the boat. Sailing in the wind, against the wind, with the wind in the side. Basics of Maritime Meteorology. The basics of the technique and tactics of the sailing on the board. Start, plant in place, wind direction, wind direction. Naval rowing. Correct load of the tower: bow, middle, fodder, left and right side. Basic matching of paddles. The function of the navigator. Charter of the sailor. The naval rowing technique. Naval boats adapted to knowledge and skills. Mornarskovlaški veslaji: short, medium, long and strong. Basics of the rowing technique of the SUP. Fire safety. Loss of steering. Ingress of water, leaving the vessel. The exercises must be carried out theoretically (at the table) and practically with the elements that are available on the ship.


Goals and competencies

• Obtaining maritime skills, expertise and responsibilities in relation to basic safety requirements at sea.

• Learn about sailing skills on small and cruise ships.

• Raising awareness of the values ​​of sport, and thereby influencing the formation of positive attitudes towards sports and the reference to a healthy lifestyle.

• Obtaining and developing basic motor skills (power, coordination, precision, ...) with different methods and organizational forms.

• Obtaining and developing functional ability (aerobic and anaerobic endurance).

• Getting to know your own physical and functional abilities.

• Students must, at the end of the course, independently run the vessel in all conditions, understand the impact of sports activity on health and well-being, independently maintain motor and functional abilities and strengthen your own self-esteem ..


Special features:

The content of the course is recommended according to the STCW Convention.

Basic literature

  1. P. Vidmar, Pomorski praktikum, 2016, [COBISS.SI-ID 2651491]
  2. Pistotnik, B., Osnove gibanja v športu, 2011, 163 str., Ljubljana, Fakulteta za šport , Inštitut za šport COBIS.SI-ID :257642240
  3. Aktualna jadralno-regatna pravila, Koper, Jadralna zveza Slovenije
  4. Gremo jadrat, Klaudija Myatt, prevod Andreja Kuzman,2011, 88 str., Grosuplje, J.J.K. d.o.o.,  COBIS.SI-ID 255245824
  5. Kapus, V. s sodelavci. Reševanje iz vode ,aktivna varnost in prva pomoč, 2004,  377 str., Ljubljana, Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport  COBISS.SI-ID:215836672
  6. Kapus, V. s sodelavci , Plavanje :učenje:slovenska šola plavanja za novo tisočletje, 2011, 410 str, Ljubljana, Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport COBISS.SI-ID:255192064
  7. Literatura se sproti dopolnjuje

