The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Nautical Studies

Thesis (VS)


The acceptance procedure, the contents of the work, the production, the defense and the assessment of the diploma paper are specifically regulated in the UL FPP Rules and the Instructions for the Preparation of the Study conclusion related tasks at UL FPP, adopted by the UL FPP Senate.


Goals and competencies

  • The diploma is a written product in which the student professionally deals with the problem, which is determined by the topic of the thesis. In order to obtain higher professional education and professional title, a graduate engineer (ka) of transport technology, transport logistics, nautics and shipbuilding, the UL FPP student must prepare and successfully defend his diploma thesis.
  • Subject-specific competences stipulate that the topic of diploma thesis is made in the field of individual higher professional study program such as: Traffic technology, Transport logistics, Navigation and Marine Engineering, each with directions.

Special features:

  • The diploma work is a condition for the completion of studies in all study programs.

Basic literature

Vsa razpoložljiva strokovna literatura.

