Electrical Engineering in Modern Traffic
- Introduction: an overview of the electrical engineering development.
- DC circuits: components, rules, procedures of analysis and synthesis. Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s, Norton’s, Thevenin’s theorems. Joule’s law. Analysis methods: of loop currents’, of branch currents’ and of node potentials’. Electrochemical sources. AC circuits: signals, components, rules, procedures of analysis and synthesis. Ohm’s law in algebra of complex numbers, complex space. Impedance, admittance. Stationary conditions. Transients at switching on and off the sources and the loads. The average and RMS values of signals. Active and reactive current; active, reactive, apparent power. Polyphase systems.
- Electric machines: generation, distribution and transformation of electric energy into mechanic work inside electric machines. Electromagnetic force. DC, AC, synchronous, asynchronous motors. Vehicles’ motors.
- Digital circuits: transistors as switches. Transistors’ types. Technologic families of digital circuits. Development of automats’ logic. Communication: serial, packet. Implementation of communication and navigation. Reliability prediction of devices and systems.
- Analogue circuits: diodes, transistors as amplifying elements, operational amplifiers. Rectifiers, inverters, signal’s amplification, signal’s transformation and conversion, systems for measurements of physical quantities via variable resistance, capacitance and inductance, inductive traffic loops. Weather conditions monitoring. Strain gages and measurement bridges. Electromagnetic waves (EMW) propagation in space. Modulation of carrier signal for the information transfer. EMW transmitters and receivers. RFID, ZigBee.
- Intelligent transportation Systems: solutions in modern traffic towards the autonomous vehicles.
Goals and competencies
Goals: students acquire theoretical and practical basics of electrical engineering for their future work in traffic sector. Abilities for practical work in the field of the use of electric and electronic engineering in laboratories and industry. Abilities for decision-making when selecting complex systems for the traffic monitoring, control and management.
Competences: for the selection of electric and electronic communication modules used in modern traffic, for the basic analysis and synthesis of electric in electronic circuits used in the measurements and control, and for the work with electronic test and measurement instruments.
Basic literature
- KOKALJ, Anton in VRŠČAJ, Stanko, Osnove elektrotehnike. Zavod IRC, Ljubljana, 2011. ISBN 978-961-6857-17-8.
- VIDMAR, Matjaž: Elektrodinamika. UL Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2015.
- ABDEL-RAHIM, Ahmed, ur.: Intelligent Transportation Systems, ISBN 978-953-51-0347-9, InTech, 2012