Transport Law
- Fundamental characteristics of transport law.
- General contract of carriage of goods, passengers and luggage according to the Obligations Code.
- Carriage by sea.
- Carriage by air.
- Carriage by rail.
- Carriage by road.
- Multimodal transportation.
Goals and competencies
The aim of the course is to adopt a modern approach to the transport law in order to to teach students about the key characteristics of modern transport law and its historical development. Based on the comparative analysis of the national, European and international transport law regimes, students will learn about various legal regimes of all transport branches with a particular emphasis on carrier’s liability, its right to limit liability, transport documents, passenger rights, etc.
Basic literature
- Marko Pavliha, Patrick Vlačič, Karla Oblak: Prevozno pravo, tretja, spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2017, 424 strani.
- Zlatan Čok: Pomorske prevozne listine in pogodbe o prevozu tovora, samozaložba, Koper, 2008 , 99 strani.
- Patrick Vlačič, Andrej Pirš, Marko Pavliha et al.: Pomorsko pravo, 1. in 2. knjiga, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2008, zlasti strani 121 – 395.
- Marko Ilešič, Marko Pavliha: Pomorski zakonik (PZ) z uvodnimi pojasnili, Založba Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2001, zlasti strani 13 – 67.
- Pomorski zakonik (PZ) (neuradno prečiščeno besedilo) z uvodnimi pojasnili prof. dr. Marka Pavlihe in stvarnim kazalom mag. Alenke Andrijašič, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2013, zlasti strani 11 - 52.