Professional English I
Focus is placed on an interdisciplinary researched essay. Students read and analyse academic and professional texts on a selected topic from the field of logistics and transport technology. They learn how to summarize and paraphrase. Students upgrade their lexical and grammatical knowledge and skills, and develop subject-specific terminology.
Goals and competencies
Students improve receptive and productive skills in relation to academic and professional texts in the field of logistics and transport technology. They learn about text genres, text structure, and writing style. They prepare an interdisciplinary researched essay and presentation.
Basic literature
- Jurkovič, V. 2014. Insights into Traffic English. Portorož: UL FPP.
- Svobodova, Z., Katzorke H., Jaekel, U., Dugovicova. S., Scoggin, M. 2000. Writing in English. A Handbook for Scientific and Technical Writers. Dostopno na: