Planning of Transport Systems
The purpose is to provide the students with basic concepts in transportation.
Understanding the relationship between the transportation system, land use dissemination and safety and security.
Development of sustainable transport.
Use of methods to analyze transport systems, facilities and tools to assist decision making in transport planning.
Development of measures. Groups of transportation planning measures: land use planning, traffic-organizational measures, logistical, technical and technological measures, regulatory and fiscal measures, pricing, infrastructural measures. Scenarios. Grouping the measures of a scenario variants.
Assessment of results of planned measures. Prognosis - methods: trend, model and quasi-prognosis.
Evaluation of results: multi-criteria, monetarization and cost-benefit, weighted indicators.
Use of transportation planning tools (PTV Visum and Vissim)
Goals and competencies
Students will know and understand the procedures for the design of transport systems and the methods used for making traffic analyzes.
With the acquired knowledge they can participate in the preparation of development programs and expert bases needed for planning the investments in the transport system.
Basic literature
- Meyer D.M.: Transportation planning handbook, Fourth edition, 2016
- O’Flaherty: Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Elsevier, 2006