The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Logistics

Technical Mechanics


  • Kinematics (point kinematics, rigid body kinematics)
  • Dynamics (point dynamics, point system dynamics, rigid body dynamics, impulsive motion and collisions, mechanical oscillations)
  • Statics (force, torque, equilibrium of rigid body in plane, friction, simple machines)


Matlab application is displayed for each theme.


Goals and competencies

The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with basic knowledge in the field of statics, kinematics and dynamics.

Basic literature

  1. G.James ‐ Modern Engineering Mathematics, Prentice Hall 2015
  2. Gross et.all. - Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, Springer, 2014
  3. Gross et.all. - Engineering Mechanics, Statics, Springer, 2014

