Introduction to Maritime Law
General introduction to law and basics of the European law, law of the sea, and maritime law.
STCW requirements:
Prevention of pollution of the marine environment.
Importance of proactive measures to protect the marine environment.
Basic working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment.
Knowledge of related international maritime conventions and recommendations, and national legislation.
Knowledge of relevant international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions.
Regard is paid especially to the following subjects:
- maritime declarations of healthy and the requirements of the International Health Regulations,
- responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ships, passenger, crew or cargo.
Knowledge of national legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions.
Goals and competencies
To obtain basic knowledge about law, European law, law of the sea and maritime law with special emphasis to the requirements of the STCW Convention.
Basic literature
- Boris Jerman, Tjaša Vidic: Temelji civilnega in gospodarskega prava: teorija in praksa, Uradni list RS, Ljubljana, 2012, zlasti str. 15-27 in 523-548.
- Patrick Vlačič, Andrej Pirš, Marko Pavliha et al.: Pomorsko pravo, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2008. Prva knjiga: strani 23-61, 121-250 in 305-395. Druga knjiga: strani 25-103 in 131-281.
- Pomorski zakonik (PZ) (neuradno prečiščeno besedilo) z uvodnimi pojasnili prof. dr. Marka Pavlihe in stvarnim kazalom mag. Alenke Andrijašič, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2013, zlasti strani 11-52.
- Marko Pavliha, Patrick Vlačič, Karla Oblak: Prevozno pravo, tretja, spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2017, zlasti strani 101-200.
- Zlatan Čok: Pomorske prevozne listine in pogodbe o prevozu tovora, samozaložba, Koper, 2008, 99 strani.