Marine Propulsion Engines 2
The aim of the manufacturers of marine engines is the auto-diagnosis of the drive system with a plethora of sensors, microprocessors, knowledge, experience and discipline and the timely maintenance according to the direct ON-LINE instructions of the manufacturer. Knowledge of the modern drives of the main engine manufacturers, Wartsila, Burmeister & Wain, Caterpillar, etc., is necessary and their particularities.
Replacement of mechanical transmissions with electric beam. For electric drives, 4-stroke diesel engines, usually gas turbines, can also be used. For single-shaft mechanical single-shaft drives and large screws, slow two- or four-stroke engines for all other fast four-stroke engines. Criteria for engine and propulsor selection: fuel consumption, required fuel quality, engine speed, matching characteristics, maintenance costs, reliability and operability of the complete drive system, maneuverability, frequency of operation at different loads. Diesel electric drive systems and their application, maintenance. Optimization of the ship's plant.
Power driven engines: steam turbines, gas turbines; diesel engines: two-stroke, four-stroke. Generating electricity: synchronous generators, excitation of synchronous generators.
• Power plant systems: auxiliary machines, main machine
• Propulsion of the ship
• Electric propulsion components: synchronous motors, asynchronous motors, static converters, frequency regulators, etc.
Drives with various propulsion fuels, heavy fuel, light diesel, gas (LNG). Hybrid drives and alternative drive sources.
The content is practically supported by exercises on the simulator.
Content according to IMO Model course 7.04:
- Basic construction and operation principles of machinery systems
- Other auxiliaries
- Safety and emergency procedures for operation of propulsion plant machinery including control systems
- Power failure
- Preparation, operation, fault detection and necessary measures to prevent damage for the following machinery items and control systems
- Main engine and associated auxiliaries
- Auxiliary prime movers and associated systems
- Other auxiliaries
- Maintenance and repair such as dismantling, adjustment and reassembling of machinery and equipment
- Diesel engine
- Turbocharger
- Shafting system
- Oils fuels and lubricating system
Content according to IMO Model course 7.02:
- Propulsive characteristics of diesel engines, steam and gas turbines, including speed, output and fuel consumption
- Propeller and load diagrams
- Propulsion characteristics diesel
- Propulsion characteristics steam plant
- Propulsion characteristics gas turbines
- Functions and mechanism of automatic control for main engine
- Diesel engines
- Steam turbines
- Gas turbines
Goals and competencies
Application of theoretical and practical knowledge in the management of diesel electric, gas and other hybrid drives. Suitability of using alternative energy sources in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The content also corresponds to the STCW convention.
Special Features:
Implementation of the learning content among others include requirements in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Convention A-III / 1, A-III / 2 and the recommendations of the "Chief engineer officer and second engineer officer (Model course 7.02)" and "Officer and charge of an engineering watch (model course 7.04) "International Maritime Organization, London, 2014
Basic literature
- Alf Kåre Ådnanes, Maritime Electrical Installations and Diesel Electric Propulsion, ABB Marine, 2003, 86 strani
- Taylor D.A., Introduction to Marine Engineering (second edition), Elsevier Publication, GB 1996
- Zgonik, M.: Ladijski pogonski stroji I+II. FPP 2005, 252 str., CD
- Zgonik,M. : Motorji, FPP 2006 , 290 strani
- Edvard Roškar: Nadzor nad delovanjem glavnega ladijskega motorja in njegovo vzdrževanje, FPP 2003, 259 str., ISBN 961-6044-59-1
- Edvard Roškar: Ladijska tehnična dokumentacija, FPP 2003, ISBN 961-6044-62-1, CD.
- Pounder's Marine Diesel Engines, B&H, 1997, ISBN0750600780
- B.Challen, R.Baranescu: Diesel Engine Reference Book, SAE 1999, ISBN 0768004039
- Chief engineer officer and second engineer officer, International Maritime Organization, London, 1999, (Model course 7.02), ISBN 92-801-6104-0, COBISS.SI-ID 1008739