The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Logistics

Means of Transport


  1. Conceptual and subject definition of means of transport: definitions, classifications, systemic definition of transport assets in the transport system subsystem.
  2. Road transport vehicles: classification of road vehicles, basics of movement, propulsion and construction, exploitation characteristics from the point of view of goods and passengers transport, maintenance of road vehicles.
  3. Railway transport vehicles: classification of railway towing and towed vehicles, basics of driving dynamics, traction, types of drives and construction, exploitation characteristics from the point of view of the transport of goods and passengers.
  4. Water transport means: the classification of means of transport in maritime and inland waterways, the basics of navigation, the type of drives and construction, the exploitation characteristics from the point of view of the transport of goods and passengers.
  5. Air transport means: classification of airmen, basics of flying, floating and floating in the air, basic principles of aerostatic and aerodynamic force generation, characteristics of drives and construction, exploitation characteristics in different conditions from the point of view of goods and passengers.
  6. Manipulation devices: classification, construction and technological characteristics with regard to the specificities of use in road, rail, water and air transport.

Goals and competencies

To provide students with the knowledge of theoretical starting points in understanding the functional abilities and capacities of transport vehicles in road, rail, water and air transport.

Basic literature

  1. Josip Zavada: Prijevozna sredstva, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb 2000
  2. Zgonc, B.: Železniški promet, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet Univerze v Ljubljani, 2003
  3. JAA-ATPL: Flight Performance & Planning 1: Mass & Balance and Performance, Oxford Aviation Training, 2002.

