Environmental Science and Protection
- Fundamentals of ecology: origin of life and evolution, ecosystems na bioms, population dynamics, food chains and food webs, biogeoochemical cyclings
- Human impact on natural environment: human population, fuels and energy production and consumption, human impact on the environment nad pollution, xenobiotics, evaluation of pollution impact and xenobiotics on environment and humans and risk assessment
- Environmental pollution and protection: air pollution, water pollution, waste management, hazardous substances and environment, noise
- Economic and legislative aspects of environmental protection: economic control of pollution, legislative control of pollution, standards, international conventions
Goals and competencies
In this course, students are informed about basic composition and processes occuring in the natural environment. Objectives and competences consist of basic processes and consequences of pollution due to transportation.
Basic literature
- J. Faganeli, I. Falnoga, 2018. Osnove varstva okolja, FPP UL Portorož, 200 pp. ISBN: 978-961-7041-02-6
- Knjige (v oklepaju je dostopnost):
- A.R.W. Jackson, J.M. Jackson, 1996. Environmental Science: The natural environment and human impact, Longman, Harlow, 370 pp. (izbrana poglavja) ISBN: 0-582-22709-7 (J. Faganeli)
- R.M. Hamilton, R. M. Harrison (eds.), 1991. Highway Pollution, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 510 pp. (izbrana poglavja) ISBN: 0-444-88188-3 (J. Faganeli)
- R.E. Hester, R.M. Harrison (eds.) 2004. Transport and the Environment, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 156 pp. (izbrana poglavja) ISBN: 0-85404-295-4 (J. Faganeli)
- R.B. Clarrk, 2001. Marine Pollution, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 237 pp. (izbrana poglavja) ISBN: 0 19 879292 1 (FPP UL)
- Revije (v oklepaju je dostopnost):
- Transportation Research, Part D Transport and Environment (web, FPP UL)
- Science of the Total Environment (web)
- Water, Air and Soil Pollution (web)
- Marine Pollution Bulletin (web, MBP NIB)
- Environmental Science and Technology (IJS)