The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Logistics

Transport Insurance Law


  1. General aspects of insurance law,
  2. Corporate insurance law,
  3. General regulation of the insurance contract,
  4. Mandatory (compulsory) insurance,
  5. Maritime insurance,
  6. Aviation and space insurance,
  7. Reinsurance contracts.

Goals and competencies

The aim of this course is to gain knowledge in the field of insurance services in all transport modes. Subject-specific competencies relate to issues of corporate and mandatory insurance law in the maritime, aviation, rail and road transport.

Basic literature

  1. Marko Pavliha, Sergej Simoniti: Zavarovalno pravo, druga, spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2007 (zlasti prvo, drugo, tretje, peto, šesto in sedmo poglavje).
  2. Andrej Pirš: Transportna zavarovanja, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, Portorož, 2000.
  3. Šime Ivanjko: Zavarovalno pravo, Zavarovalno-poslovni inštitut, Maribor, 2009.
  4. Milan Viršek: Pravo v zavarovalništvu, Zbirka znanja za zavarovalništvo, Slovensko zavarovalno združenje, Ljubljana, 2010.

