Transport Insurance Law
- General aspects of insurance law,
- Corporate insurance law,
- General regulation of the insurance contract,
- Mandatory (compulsory) insurance,
- Maritime insurance,
- Aviation and space insurance,
- Reinsurance contracts.
Goals and competencies
The aim of this course is to gain knowledge in the field of insurance services in all transport modes. Subject-specific competencies relate to issues of corporate and mandatory insurance law in the maritime, aviation, rail and road transport.
Basic literature
- Marko Pavliha, Sergej Simoniti: Zavarovalno pravo, druga, spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2007 (zlasti prvo, drugo, tretje, peto, šesto in sedmo poglavje).
- Andrej Pirš: Transportna zavarovanja, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, Portorož, 2000.
- Šime Ivanjko: Zavarovalno pravo, Zavarovalno-poslovni inštitut, Maribor, 2009.
- Milan Viršek: Pravo v zavarovalništvu, Zbirka znanja za zavarovalništvo, Slovensko zavarovalno združenje, Ljubljana, 2010.