The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Logistics (UNI)

Transport Logistics


Course compries:

understanding the theoretical basics of logistics, the characteristics of the logistic system elements, the characteristics of logistics subsystems, the functioning of logistics chains, the layout of the logistics chain, characteristics and implementation of the supply chain, outsourcing in supply chains, measuring the performance of the supply chain.


Goals and competencies

The course program covers a modern approach to studying logistics as a science and practical activities through the operation of logistics and supply chains. The acquired knowledge enables students to solve complex and dynamic problems in logistics systems on the basis of systemic approach and consideration of all relevant factors.

Basic literature

  1. Zelenika, R.: Logistički sustavi, Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2005, 714 str., ISBN 953-6148-43-9.
  2. Logožar, K.: Poslovna logistika - Elementi in podsistemi, GV Izobraževanje, Ljubljana, 2004, 265 str., ISBN 961-6529-00-5.
  3. Brewer, A.M., Button, K.J., Hensher, D.A.: Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management, Emerald Group Publishing, 2008, 534 str., ISBN 978-0-0804-3593-0.
  4. Waters, D.: Supply Chain Risk Management, Kogan Page, 2007, 264 str., ISBN-13-978-0-7494-4854-7
  5. Baluch, I.: Transport Logistics: Past, Present and Predictions. Winning Books, Dubai, 2005, 309 str. ISBN: 994803139‐3.

