The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Logistics (UNI)

Diploma Thesis


Procedure regarding approval of work on the diploma thesis, contents and defense are defined in the UL FPP legislative acts and Instructions for Writing of Diploma Theses on UL FPP that were approved by the senate UL FPP.


Goals and competencies

  • Diploma is a written work in which student carries out in-depth analysis of the problem that is determined by the diploma thesis subject. To acquire higher education and a professional title engineer of traffic technology and logistics the student of the UL FPP is required to write and successfully defend his diploma thesis.
  • Subject specific competences require that the diploma thesis is from the field of the study programme such as:  Traffic Technology and Transport Logistics.

Specific requirements:

Diploma thesis is a prerequisite to graduate on any study programme.

Basic literature

  •   Vsa razpoložljiva strokovna literatura. /  All available state of the art literature.

