The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Transport Logistics

The Operation of Maritime Agencies


  • Ships, cargoes and ship employment
  • Charter parties
  • Legal aspect of the maritime agency
  • Maritime agency contract
  • Maritime administrative law
  • Maritime agency operations
  • Ship documentation
  • Cargo documentation
  • Port working documentation
  • Fundamentals of international commercial and financial business
  • Accounts

Goals and competencies

The main objective of the course is to present students the importance of the maritime agent in the functioning of the maritime market and the supply chain as a whole.

Introduction to the operational work in the maritime agency.

Basic literature

  1. Čok Z. (2012): Pomorski agent – Vezni člen v verigi pomorskih prevozov in prekomorske trgovine
  2. Vlačič P. et al. (2007) Pomorsko pravo I. in II.
  3. Port agency. London: The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (2016)

