The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Transport Logistics

Information Support of Logistics


Core content includes:

knowledge about importance, role and types of business information systems for logistics business, types of supply chains information support, information and intelligent systems designed for traffic, transport and logistics support/use, decision support tools and technologies, business intelligence tools and technologies, cloud computing – logistics cloud, Internet of Things concept, Big Data concept and Data Analytics, Blockchain technology in logistics.


During exercises students are getting to know and try to use different information and software systems, different simulation programs, neural network and project management programs that are used in practice to support logistics activities.


Goals and competencies

Students should be aware of information tools and technology, which is used for efficient execution of various logistics activities along the supply chain and thus be able to identify the basic characteristics, methods, and examples of applications and reasons for the use of particular form of information system or other IT tool designed for these purposes.

During the exercises students should learn to manage and use examples of such systems that are already, or will in the future be included in everyday transport and logistics companies.

Basic literature

  • VATOVEC KRMAC, Evelin. Informacijska podpora logističnih procesov in Informacijska podpora logistiki: delovno gradivo. Portorož: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, 2010. (v pripravi prenova gradiva) http://www.fpp.uni-lj. si/studij/studijski_program_1stopnje/prometna_tehnologija_in_transportna_logistika_vss/seznam_predmetov/2010021113451489/.
  • VATOVEC KRMAC, Evelin. Informacijska podpora logističnih procesov = Informacijska podpora logistiki: zapiski predavanj. Portorož: Univ. ljubljana, Fak. za pomorstvo in promet, 2010 (v pripravi prenova gradiva) .http://www.fpp.uni-lj. si/studij/studijski_program_1stopnje/prometna_tehnologija_in_transportna_logistika_vss/seznam_predmetov/2010021113451489/
  • VATOVEC KRMAC, Evelin. Intelligent value chain networks: business intelligence and other ICT tools and technologies in supply/demand chains. V: RENKO, Sandra (ur.). Supply chain management - new perspectives. Rijeka: InTech, 2011, 2011, str. 581-614. Skupaj 769 strani. http://www.intechopen. com/articles/show/title/intelligent-value-chain-networks-business-intelligence-and-other-ict-tools-and-technologies-in-suppl. ISBN 978-953-307-633-1.
  • Vsa ostala knjižna in spletna gradiva na temo informacijske tehnologije v transportu, prometu in logistiki.

