The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Transport Logistics


Advancement into a higher year of study is open to students that have before the end of the current academic year completed all necessary requirements, as defined by the study programme. Advancement into the third or higher year of study is open to students that have completed all requirements, as defined by the study programme, of the year of study preceding the current enrolment year. 


Advancement into a higher year of study is open to all students that have earned the following number of ECTS:

- for advancement into the second year, at least 50 ECTS earned in first-year courses,

- for advancement into the third year, a minimum of 60 ECTS earned in first-year courses and a minimum of 50 ECTS in second-year courses. 


If approved by the Academic Affairs Committee, exceptional advancement into the higher year of study may be granted if in accordance with the justified reasons acknowledged by the Statute of the University of Ljubljana:

- advancement into the second year of study if a minimum of 40 ECTS from completing first-year courses has been earned,

- advancement into the third year of study if a minimum of 100 ECTS from completing first-year (60 ECTS) and second-year (40 ECTS) courses has been earned. 


Repetition of a year of study is open to students that have earned the following number of ECTS:

- for the repetition of the first year, a minimum of 20 ECTS,

- for the repetition of the second year, a minimum of 60 ECTS earned from completing first-year courses, and a minimum of 20 ECTS earned in second-year courses.