Transport and Logistics Infrastructure
- Definition of transport logistics infrastructure as a subsystem of the transport system and subsystems of transport logistics infrastructure.
- Characteristics of road transport infrastructure: development and classification of the road network, exploitation characteristics of roads, road elements, special features of road infrastructure in urban centers.
- Characteristics of the railway infrastructure: development, classification of lines, elements of the railway line, lower and upper track structures, railwas stations.
- Characteristics of air transport infrastructure: development and classification of airports, airport elements and airport terminals, air traffic control infrastructure.
- Characteristics of water transport infrastructure: the development and classification of maritime and inland waterway transport infrastructure, characteristics of maritime and inland waterways, elements of ports and port terminals.
- Characteristics of the pipelines and cableways: development, classification, elements.
- Characteristics of the postal infrastructure.
- Characteristics of freight, passenger and intermodal transport logistics terminals.
Goals and competencies
Course specific competences refer to knowledge of basic characteristics, planning and exploitation of transport logistics infrastructure:
a) transport networks and corridors
b) individual modes of transport:
- water (marine, IWW)
- land (road, rail),
- air,
- pipelines and cableways,
- postal, air traffic control,
c) transport logistics (freight, passenger, intermodal) terminals.
Basic literature
- Zgonc, B., Verlič, P., Šemrov., D.: Železniški tir – Zgornji ustroj in elementi trase. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, 2022, ISBN - 978-961-7041-12-5