The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Transport Logistics

Modelling and Planning


  • Modeling is reverse engineering of real world by creating virtual world. It is carried out when we would like to evaluate how a cargo terminal, a road intersection or a production line that we imagined would function.
  • Simulation of the model will help us answer if our proposal can be realized and if there is any room for improvement?
  • During the course students will be introduced discrete and continuous simulation models and multi‐agent models.
  • Students will build and simulate a model on their own.
  • Part of the course is modeling of different transportation systems and phenomena. Importance of verification and validation, continuous and discrete models for planning of traffic systems and logistic terminals will be studied by use of simulation software.

Goals and competencies

During the course students will be taught modelling basics that will be supported with case studies. Among the case studies logistic terminals, production lines and road intersections will be studied.

Validation will give an answer to the question, whether the model reflects reality?

Students will be able to model traffic systems and carry our simulation and validation of the models. 

Basic literature

  1.  J. M. Garrido, Object oriented simulation a modeling and programming perspective. New York: Springer‐Verlag, poglavja 1‐3, 2009.
  2.  S. Bangsow, Use cases of discrete event simulation appliance and research. Berlin; New York: Springer, 2012. 

