Transport and Manipulation Means
- Definition of transport and manipulation means: as a subsystem of the transport system.
- Technical and technological characteristics of means of transport in road transport.
- Technical and technological characteristics of transport means in railway transport.
- Technical and technological characteristics of transport means in water (maritime and IWW) transport.
- Technical and technological characteristics of transport means in air transport.
- Technical and technological characteristics of manipulation means, characteristics of manipulation means with regard to the type of cargo and cargo handling units (pallets, ISO containers, intermodal loading units).
- Characteristics of transport and manipulation means in intermodal and combined transport.
- Characteristics of pipelines and cableways.
- Proper loading and securing of cargo.
- Transport and manipulation means maintenance.
- Analysis of the characteristics of transport and manipulating means from the transport, energy, environmental and safety aspects.
- Alternative propulsion and fuels for transport and manipulation means.
- Autonomous means of transport and handling equipment.
Goals and competencies
Course specific competences relate to the knowledge of the basic characteristics and the exploitation of transport and manipulation means:
- in land (road, rail), water (maritime, IWW), and air transport, as well as pipelines and cableways,
- in manipulation of individual types of cargo and load units
- in freight, passenger and intermodal transport,
- when loading cargo and securing loads,
- for maintenance purposes,
- from the point of view of energy consumption and environmental and safety aspect.
Basic literature
- Arora, S., Abkenar, A.T., Jayasinghe, S., Tammi, K.: Heavy-duty Electric Vehicles - From Concept to Reality, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2021, ISBN: 9780128181263