Energy in Maritime Transport
Global analysis:
- Energy use in maritime transport
- Energy flows: systematisation of different energy converters and consumers as well as energy storage devices on vessels
- Environmental impact of transport and basic overview of environmental regulatory acts
- Environmental impact of different energy converters
- Technological roadmap and requirements on energy converters for maritime application
- Topologies of propulsion system and basic components
Internal combustion engines (ICE):
- Phenomena and basic principles of combustion
- Characteristics of the working media
- Fuels: properties, advanced and alternative fuels
a) Piston engines:
- Kinematics of the piston motion in reciprocating engines and balancing free forces and moments
- Interrelation of ideal processes in heat engines and processes in real piston ICEs,
- Mixture preparation, ignition and combustion in premixed combustion – Otto engines
- Mixture preparation, ignition and combustion in non-premixed combustion – Diesel engines
- Mixture preparation, ignition and combustion in advanced combustion concepts (LTC, CAI…)
- Emission formation mechanisms,
- Exhaust gas after-treatment devices for gaseous and particulate matter (types, process and characteristics)
- Exchange of the working media
- Mechanical losses in piston ICEs
- Thermoregulation of piston ICEs
- Supercharging of piston ICEs
- Characteristics of piston ICEs
b) Turbine engines:
- Processes in turbine engines
- Components of turbine engines and their characteristics
- Operating principles and characteristics of turbine engines
Electric machines:
- Basic principles of operation
- Types and characteristics
- Types and characteristics
- Species transport, electrochemical processes, heat generation
- Degradation processes
Fuel cells:
- Types and characteristics
- Species transport, electrochemical processes, heat generation
- Degradation processes
Integration and optimisation:
- Interaction between energy storage devices and energy converters in maritime propulsion systems
- Boilers and use of steam
- Heat exchangers and heat regeneration
- Analysing and optimizing the energy efficiency of maritime propulsion systems
Goals and competencies
Objectives: The fundamental goal of this course is to acquaint the students with the entire spectra of energy conversion and energy use in maritime applications with a special emphasis on energy conversion and energy storage devices in vessel’s power-plants. Reaching this objective relies on the knowledge of processes and characteristics of these devices, which enables understanding operating principles and optimisation of integrated propulsion systems on vessels and optimisation on the larger scale of energy use in maritime transport.
Competences: Students will acquire systematic and logic knowledge on all relevant scale ranging from nano-sale phenomena in specific devices over macro-scale understanding of operating principles and characteristics of devices up to the knowledge of integrated systems on the system level. These competences will enable autonomous evaluation of processes and topologies of propulsion systems with respect to their characteristics and environmental as well as energy efficiency constraints. Additionally, students will be capable of using basic knowledge to design and optimise processes in real systems and they will also be capable of evaluating the influence of the individual processes and technological improvements on performance of the propulsion system. Broad knowledge basis, which also includes emerging technologies, will equip students with future proof knowledge and therefore enable them to competently evaluate these future trends.
Basic literature
- Guzzella L, Sciarretta A.: Vehicle Propulsion Systems - Introduction to Modeling and Optimization, 2nd ed., Springer, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-74691-1, Izbrana poglavja.
- Doug Woodyard (Editor) Pounder’s marine diesel engines and gas turbines, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004, ISBN 0 7506 5846 0, Izbrana poglavja.
- Katrašnik Tomaž, Predloge za predavanja (handouts).