The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Maritime Studies

Autonomous Vessels


  • Review of the newly emerging area of autonomous water and underwater vessels.
  • Types and levels of vessel autonomy.
  • Regulatory and legal aspects of autonomous vessels.
  • Review of the different requirements and tasks to be met by autonomous vessels: route planning, navigation, detection of obstacles and environmental conditions, avoiding obstacles, adapting to weather conditions, autonomous landing maneuvers.
  • Structural features and specific features of autonomous vessels.
  • Overview of sensory and communication systems of autonomous vessels.
  • Application of machine learning, deep neural networks and other support algorithms for autonomous navigation.
  • Examples of autonomous navigation and various examples of developing or already active autonomous vessels.
  • Overview of trends and further development of autonomous vessels.

Goals and competencies

  • To gain basic knowledge of the field of autonomous vessels
  • To learn about the different challenges of autonomous navigation and approaches to solving them
  • To learn about the typical tasks and possibilities of using autonomous vessels

Basic literature

  1. R. Glenn Wright, Unmanned and Autonomous Ships: An Overview of MASS, Routledge (2020),
  2. Izbrani spletni viri, znanstveni in strokovni članki.


