Maritime Legal Regulation
Selected topicis with respect to the latest development and trends of international maritime law and maritime policy, for example:
- renewed definition and content of international maritime law (symbiosis of the law of the sea and maritime law);
- the role of international maritime and educational organisations;
- integrated transport policy and maritime policy;
- integrated coastal zone management;
- development of maritime transport law;
- development of marine insurance law;
- development of maritime labour law;
- protection and improvement of quality of marine environment;
- artificial intelligence and law in shipping;
- protection from piracy;
- other actual issues.
Goals and competencies
Students will obtain additional knowledge about international maritime law and maritime policy with special emphasis on solving practical problems.
Basic literature
- Patrick Vlačič, Andrej Pirš, Marko Pavliha et al.: Pomorsko pravo, 1. in 2. knjiga, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2008.
- Pomorski zakonik (PZ) (neuradno prečiščeno besedilo) z uvodnimi pojasnili prof. dr. Marka Pavlihe in stvarnim kazalom mag. Alenke Andrijašič, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2013, zlasti strani 11 - 52.
- Marko Pavliha, Patrick Vlačič, Karla Oblak: Prevozno pravo, tretja, spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2017, 424 strani.
- Ostalo gradivo po dogovoru (članki, sodna praksa, spletne strani itd.).