Maritime Technical Inspection
- Classification Societies.
- The International Association of Classification Societies – IACS.
- Rules, regulations and guidance (Qualities and qualifications of Surveyors).
- Statutory certification of ships.
- Classification notations:
- Class symbol,
- Construction mark,
- Service notations, Navigation and operating area notations,
- Additional class notations.
- Assignment, maintenance, suspension and withdrawal of class:
- Assignment of class,
- Maintenance of class,
- Suspension of class,
- Withdrawal of class,
- Notification of suspension or withdrawal.
- Surveys - an overview of requirements and certification. Definitions and procedures related to classification surveys, Class surveys periodicity and scope:
- Class renewal survey / special survey,
- Annual survey,
- Intermediate survey,
- Bottom / Docking survey,
- Tailshaft survey.
- Class certificate. Definitions and procedures related to statutory surveys and inspections.
- Statutory certificates
- Other Types of Surveys:
- Flag State Inspection,
- Port State Control,
- Vetting Inspection,
- Sale and purchase,
- Inspection of the Ship.
Goals and competencies
The student will acquire the background knowledge required to understand the details of the specific units covering the surveying of ships and commercial vessels and will get an insight into the work carried out by classification societies.
Basic literature
General Dry Cargo Ships - Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structures (IACS Rec 55) Hardcover – November 1, 2017, ISBN 9781856097499 Walter Vervloesem Ship survey and audit comapnion. A practical Guide - 2000, ISBN 1870077547, 9781870077545