The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Risk Modeling, Assessment and Management


  • Fundamentals of safety in transport: technical, technological, economic, legal, sociological, cultural, medical and other traffic safety assumptions.
  • Theoretical elements of transport safety
  • Assessment of threats and risk analysis in maritime, road and rail transport
  • Protection and preventive action: traffic safety regulation, national traffic safety program, security and port security, distribution centers, etc.
  • Hazard identification and risk assessment methods
  • Definition of risk reduction measures
  • Efficiency of risk mitigation measures
  • The effectiveness of risk mitigation measures associated with the likelihood of emergencies
  • Evaluation of risk reduction measures in response to response time
  • Models supporting decision-making

Goals and competencies

The basic aim of the course is theoretical upgrading of the knowledge of general traffic safety, integral traffic safety of all transport technologies. The aim is for students to understand the usability and application of risk management models in transport and other systems.

Basic literature

  1. Leonard Evans, Traffic Safety, Science Servnig Society, 2004.
  2. Global safety. International Conference, Proceedings Book, Bled. 2000, ISBN: 961-90350-7-0, zborniki referatov so izdani za vsako konferenco, ki se  organizira vsake dve leti (izbrani referati).
  3. Zorka Novak Pintarič, Varnost procesov, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2003.
  4. Norman Fenton and Martin Neil, Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis with Bayesian Networks, CRC Press (September 24, 2012).

