The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Transport and Maritime Sciences

Holistic Transport Policy


The definition of transport policy emphasizing a holistic approach. EU Transport Policy (White Paper). EU Maritime Policy (Blue Book). Transport policies in other transport subsystems (rail, road, air and multimodal transport). Development of the Slovenian transport policy (1977, 2004, 2006 and 2015), its strengths and weaknesses. Targets of transport policy: Mobility of people, the rights of passengers as consumers, efficient supply of goods, construction and maintenance of proper infrastructure, transport safety, security and improvement of the environment. Transport policy for the third millennium: Symbiosis of science, law, governance, environment and ethics.


Goals and competencies

Doctoral students will be acquainted with the systematic, holistic approach to creating modern, sustainable transport policy providing mobility of persons, efficient supply of goods, solid transport infrastructure, safety, security and improvement of quality environment.

Doctoral students shall master the basic elements of system thinking in order to provide integrated transport policy, the cores of respective transport subsystems (e.g. the new EU maritime policy), the influence of the EU transport policy on the Slovenian regulation, creation and implementation of the new Slovenian transport policy, and the role of law and ethics in this regard.

Basic literature

  1. Consolidated version of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union, Official Journal of the European Union, C 326/47, 26. October, Title VI, Articles 90 – 100.
  2. White Paper on Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system, COM (2011) 0144 final, Brussels, 28. March.
  3. White Paper »European transport policy for 2010: Time to decide«, European Commission, Luxemburg, 2001. ISBN 92-894-0341-1.
  4. An ocean of opportunity: An Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union (»The Blue Book«), European Commission, Luxemburg, 2008. ISBN 978-92-79-06734-1.
  5. Green Paper »Towards a future Maritime Policy for the Union: A European vision for the oceans and seas«, European Commission, Luxemburg, 2006. ISBN 92-79-01825-6.
  6. European Commission, Maritime affairs and Fisheries,
  7. European Commission, Mobility and Transport, http://
  8. Van Wee, B.: Transport and Ethics: Ethics and the Evaluation of Transport Policies and Projects, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2001.
  9. Groznik, A., Damijan, J.P.: Resolucija o razvoju slovenske logistike in transportni infrastrukturi, Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, 2013, document_files/dokumenti/Resolucija-final_1b.pdf.
  10. Pavliha, M.: Proposal for a new Slovenian integrated maritime and transport policy, v: D. Lajh in Z. Petak, ”EU Public Policies Seen from a National Perspective: Slovenia and Croatia in the European Union", Faculty of Social Sciences (Book series Javne politike), Ljubljana, 2015, str. 181-192. ISBN 978-961-235-736-8.
  11. Pavliha, M.: EU in (ne)gotovost ”doktrine” in dubio pro consumatore, Podjetje in delo, Ljubljana 2015, št. 6-7, str. 1403-1416. ISSN: 0353-6521.
  12. Pavliha, M.: Morje in pravo, Podjetje in delo 6-7/2007/XXXIII, str. 1401-1413.
  13. Strategija razvoja prometa v Republiki Sloveniji in Okoljsko poročilo za celovito presojo vplivov na okolje za Strategijo razvoja prometa v Republiki Sloveniji, Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo, Ljubljana, 2015,
  14. Predlog resolucije o prometni politiki Republike Slovenije – »Predvidljivo v skupno prihodnost« (RePPPSP) – EPA 1452 – III, Poročevalec Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, 24. julij 2004. Letnik XXX, št. 97.
  15. Resolucija o prometni politiki Republike Slovenije, Ur. l. RS, št. 58/06.
  16. Resolucija o pomorski usmeritvi Republike Slovenije, Ur. l. RS, št. 10/91.
  17. Trajnostna prometna politika v Sloveniji, Zbornik prispevkov z mednarodnega posveta, CIPRA Slovenija, Ljubljana, 2005. ISBN 961-90906-2-4.
  18. Slovenija na poti k trajnostnem prometu?, Zbornik prispevkov z mednarodnega posveta, CIPRA Slovenija, Ljubljana, 2007. ISBN 978-961-90906-4-0.
  19. Na križišču V. in X. vseevropskega koridorja: priložnosti in nevarnosti za Slovenijo, Zbornik referatov in razprav, Državni svet Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2008. ISBN 978-961-6453-24-0.

