The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Transport and Maritime Sciences

Human Factors in Transport and the Shipping Industry


  • environmental factors of behaviour in road and maritime transport
  • personal-, social-, and developmental factors of different stakeholders in maritime and road transport
  • studies and management with human recourses
  • risk taking, emotional, and behavioural problems of stakeholders in maritime and road transport
  • human factors of maritime and road traffic accidents

Goals and competencies

Students acquire complex knowledge on behavioural attributes related to different stakeholders in maritime and road transport, and understanding of the specifically related factors, effecting on their behaviour and safety.

Basic literature

  1. Gifford R. Environmental psychology. 2014. Colville: Optimal Books.
  2. Hatherington C, Flin R, Mearns K. Safety in shipping: The human element. Journal of Safety Research, 2006, 37, 4, 401-411.
  3. Havoid JI. Culture in maritime safety. Maritime Policy and Management. 2000, 27, 1, 79-88.
  4. Oldenburg M, Hogan B & Jensen HJ. Systematic review of maritime field studies about stress and strain in seafearing. Internatinl Archives of Occupational en Environmental Health, 2013, 1, 1-15.
  5. Shinar D. Traffic safety and human behavior. 2007. Bingley: Emerald.

