Freight Forwarding
- define the concept of freight forwarding, logistics, supply chain, supply chain management.
- identify the role of the logistics chain in the supply chain and the role of the freight forwarder, logistical operator in the management of the logistics chain.
- specify and describe in detail the forwarding services.
- define the role and provide tasks of the freight forwarder in carrying out transport, clearance, storage and insurance.
- list local and international forwarding organizations and associations, their role and key tasks.
- indicate the meaning, method of forming the Incoterms 2020.
- list and identify the differences between the Incoterms clauses 2020.
- give legal sources for the freight forwarder and know their content.
- define the concept of a maritime agent, maritime agency business.
- classify maritime agents.
- specify and describe in detail the tasks of maritime agents.
- describe and demonstrate documentation in the case of maritime agency business.
- providing logistics outsourcing.
Goals and competencies
The main objective of the course is to present the basic skills required for providing freight forwarding's business.
Obtained knowledge from this course allow students a high professional and managerial work in freight forwarding agencies. Students are in addition able provide all kind of logistics service in efficient and optimal way.
Basic literature
- Čok, Z.: Pomorski agent, vezni člen v verigi pomorskih prevozov in prekomorske trgovine, Koper, 2012
- Borčić, V.: Pomorski agent, Rijeka, 1998
- Incoterms 2010 by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), GZS, Ljubljana, 2011