Professional Practice
The practice is carried out in accordance with the PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES FROM STUDY HIGHER PROGRAMS PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (VII level of education) valid from 11.07.2012.
The content of the practice includes:
- The student is practicing in a company engaged in logistics, maritime and traffic and is generally related to a selected study program, direction or module.
- Recognition with personnel, organizational structure, content and scope of work
- Observing work and exchanging opinions with employees in departments
- Practical performance of those works that are assessed as not endangering
- working process
Prior to the practice, 5 hours of lectures are organized for students, where they learn about the basic purpose of practical training and an appropriate methodological approach when entering the company and work.
The candidate must keep a log of the course of practical work and submit it to the head after completion of the practice.
Goals and competencies
Within the practice, which includes work in a particular organization in the field of maritime or transport, the necessary research is carried out and a diary is produced.
Exceptional students who have evidence of a minimum of one-year working life in organizations from the field of maritime affairs or traffic, the practice is recognized.
Basic literature
- Vsa literatura, ki jo je študent uporabljal v času študija. / All literature that the student used during the study.