The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Traffic Technology and Transport Logistics

Steam and Gas Power System


  • Introduction: comparison of marine propulsion engines: motors, steam turbines, gas turbines,
  • Steam power cycles: improvement of circular processes, regenerative heating of the feed water, intermediate overheating of steam, continuity equation, gas and steam flow, nozzles.
  • Steam boilers and steam generators:
    • their development and division and properties, specific requirements of ship steam boilers,
    • Thermal balance of the boiler, heat loss and efficiency,
    • Air for combustion and exhaust gases,
    • Circulation of boiler water,
    • Fuel system,
    • Feed water system,
    • Materials for the production of the pressure part of the steam boiler and the regulations,
    • Thermal extensions and compensation,
    • Steam boiler control,
    • Equipment and protection of the steam boiler,
    • Operation and maintenance of the steam boiler,
    • Damage to the pressure parts of the boiler,
    • Preservation of the steam boiler.

Condenser: types, basic calculations,    faults and mal function.

Basics operation of steam turbines: components, impulse and reaction turbine, multistage turbine, turbine power, losses, power and efficiency, turbine regulation,

Basics of gas turbine plant: and components,

• open and closed cycle processes of gas

   turbines, air preparation.

Characteristics of steam, gas or combined ship propulsion with respect to vessel speed and fuel costs and consumption.


STCW requirements:

Basic construction and operation principles of machinery systems, including:

  • marine steam turbine
  • marine gas turbine
  • marine boiler


Features, and operative mechanism of the following machinery and associated auxiliaries:

  • marine steam turbine
  • marine gas turbine
  • marine steam boiler


Heat cycle, thermal efficiency and heat balance of the following:

  • marine steam turbine
  • marine gas turbine
  • marine steam boiler


Propulsive characteristics of diesel engines, steam and gas turbines, including speed, output and fuel consumption.




Goals and competencies

The student learns the elements of the ship's steam turbine plant and the gas turbine plant and processes that take place in individual components (heat transfer, combustion, evaporation, condensation ...). In addition to this, it also learns the components, the corresponding measurement technique and the procedures for controlling the operation and monitoring of individual parts, of total facilities under conditions of normal operation or accidental operation, as prescribed by the STCW Convention. The subject matter also covers the influence of turbine plants on the environment, the reduction or even the prevention of this effect during normal operation.


Special features:

Implementation of the learning content in accordance with the STCW Convention and recommendations in the IMO Model Course: 7.02 - Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer

Basic literature

  1. Černigoj B.:, Ladijsko parno turbinsko postrojenje, Višja pomorska šola Piran 1975, COBISS.SI‐ID: 2007813.
  2. Prelec Z.: Brodski generatori pare, Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1992, 326 str., ISBN: 86‐03‐99672‐5.
  3. Černigoj B.:, Plinske turbine v teoriji in praksi, UL Fakulteta za strojništvo,1985, 201 str., COBISS.SI‐ID: 13806337.
  4. Požar H.:, Osnove energetike, Školska knjiga, Zegreb, 1992 1267 str. ISBN: 86‐03‐99660‐1.
  5. Tireli E., Martinović D.: Brodske toplinske turbine, Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci, 2001, 210 str. ISBN: 953‐165‐072‐1.
  6. Woud H. K., Stapersma D.: Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems, IMAREST, 2003.
  7. Donald K.M.B., Marine Steam Turbines, The Institute of Marine Engineers, 1977, ISBN 0 900976 6.
  8. Coats R., Marine Steam Turbines, The Institute of Marine Engineers, Volume 1, Part 8, 2001, ISBN 0 900976 41 1.
  9. Norris A., Operation of Machinery in Ships: Steam Turbines, Boilers, and Auxiliary Plant, Volume 2, Part 15, IMAREST, 2000, ISBN: 0 900976 80 2.
  10. Kehlhofer R., Hannemann F., Stirnimann F., Rukes B., Combined‐Cycle Gas&Steam Turbine Power Plant, 3rd Edition, PennWell, 2009, ISBN 978‐1‐59370‐168‐0.
  11. Horlock J.H., Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles, Elsevier Science Ltd., 2003, ISBN: 0‐08‐044273‐0.
  12. Cowley J., The Running and Maintenance of Marine Machinery, IMAREST, 1994.
  13. Harrington R.L., Marine Engineering, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1992.
  14. Ozretić V., Brodski pomočni strojevi i uredjaji, 4. poboljšano i dopunjeno izdanje, Split Ship Management Ltd., 2004.
  15. Milton J.H., Marine Steam Boilers, Newnes‐Butterworths, London, 1970.
  16. Elčić Z., Parne Turbine, ABB Karlovac, 1995, ISBN 953‐96436‐0‐0.
  17. Rant Z., Termodinamika, UL, Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2001, 607 str. ISBN: 961‐6238‐47‐7.
  18. Incropera F.P.. DeWitt D.P., Introduction to Heat Transfer, John Wiley &Sons, 1996.
  19. McBirnie S.C., Marine Steam Engine and Turbine, BUTTERWORTHS, 1980, ISBN 0‐408‐00387‐1.
  20. Kraut B., Strojniški priročnik, 2003, ISBN 961‐6030‐38‐8..
  21. Hrle  Z.,  Škriljaica  V.,  Kreculj  D.,  Brodska  energetika,  Univerzitet  u  Beogradu,  Saobračajni Fakultet, 2002, ISBN 86‐7395‐123‐2.
  22. Chief engineer officer and second engineer officer, International Maritime Organization, London, 1999, (Model course 7.02), ISBN 92‐801‐6104‐0.
  23. »Officer in charge of an engineering watch, (Model course 7.04)«, International Maritime Organization, London, 1999.

