Traffic Risk Management
Risk models for transport by different routes, risk acceptance criteria and risk reduction:
- Qualitative and quantitative models,
- Impact assessment,
- The risk of an individual,
- Group risk.
- Roadblocks, planned new roads, intersections and ITS (intelligent transport systems) are topical issues.
The effects of temporary and permanent changes in the transport regime on the transmission system's permeability and on the risk of accidents will be addressed:
- Introduction to micro and microsimulation models of traffic flow,
- Modelling road networks,
- Analysis of the capacity of transport systems (impact of new traffic sources, traffic barriers),
- Measurements of traffic parameters
- Traffic load projections
- Optimal traffic flow management, forecasting and mitigation of congestion
- Influence of ITS systems on traffic flows
- Energy aspect of congestion, loss of energy in congestions and environmental impact.
Energy for traffic infrastructure management (lighting, ventilation, power supply, ITS, winter services, heating, cooling).
Organization of road bases and traffic control centres.
Protection and rescue plan, organization of interventions and communication.
Goals and competencies
The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with basic knowledge in the field of traffic risk management.
Basic literature
- D. Vose, Risk analysis. A quantitative guide, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978‐0‐470‐51284‐5, 2008.
- M. Modarres, M. Kaminskiy, V. Krivtsov, Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis, Marcel Dekker Inc, ISBN 0‐8247‐2000‐8, 1999.
- M. Treiber, Traffic flow dynamics: data, models and simulation. Heidelberg ; New York: Springer, ISBN 978‐3‐642‐32460‐4, 2013.