Maritime Information Systems
Marine Information System; the navigation subsystem, the propulsion subsystem, the communication subsystem, the firefighting subsystem, the meteorological subsystem, the cargo handling subsystems, the administrative subsystem, the administrative legal subsystem. Other marine information systems; weather routeing, information systems for navigation safety and simulation systems. Integrated and closed autonomous marine information systems; phases of maritime integration systems
Integration of the navigation and information subsystem, integration of the navigation, propulsion, cargo, subsystem for inventories and the administrative and legal information subsystem with the information system of the ship-owner, integration of the navigation information subsystem. Connection of the cargo information subsystem with the information systems of port terminals. Optimization procedures for cargo loading, port terminal systems, optimizing shipping procedures. Other Information Systems of Maritime Enterprises. Industrial internet and smart software systems in off shore industry
Content according to IMO Model course 7.01:
- Modern electronic navigation aids with specific knowledge of their operation, limitations, sources of errors, detection of false information and correction methods for obtaining precise position
- Behaviour on the Black Box (VDR) and the Guard Alarm Navigation System (BNWAS)
- A set of information available through fax, internet and email
- Nautical publications for tidal and marine currents and information that can be obtained via the internet and email
Content according to IMO Model course 2.05:
- Ship administration
- Background of the Shipping Administration (IMO, Conventions, Controls and Certification, Classification Offices; Commercial, Financial and Technical Aspects of Ship / Fleet Management; Communication and Technology; Planning Operations
- Ship administration practice
Goals and competencies
Familiarization with information systems on board in the service of navigation, propulsion, safety, communications, handling of cargo, spare parts and information system in the function of ship administration. Consideration of the system for the remote control of the condition of the ship during navigation and during cargo operations. Special emphasis on systems on modern ships with a dynamic positioning system and on platforms and other types of offshore maritime economy. Marine pollution detection systems. Systems to support the perception and management of an anti - piracy or terrorist incident at sea.
Special features:
Implementation of the learning content among others include requirements in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Convention A-II / 1, A-II/2 and the recommendations of the »Master and Chief Mate (Model course 7.01)«, International Maritime Organization, London, 2014 and IMO model Course 2.05 - On Board Ship Administration.
Basic literature
- IMOmodel Course 2.05, On-Board Ship Administration, International Maritime Organization, London 1992, ISBN 92-801-1361-5, COBISS.SI-ID: 1020771
- IMO model course 7.01 - MASTER and chief mate, International Maritime Organization, London 1999, ISBN 92-801-6103-2, COBISS.SI-ID 1007715
- MERGNER, Dieter, Ship repair and maintenance handbook, Lloyd's register – Fairplay, 2005, ISBN 1-901290-62-X, COBISS.SI-ID 1523043
- Pomorski predpisi, konvencije in priporočila, IMO VEGA, The International Maritime Organization, London, 2002, CD-ROM COBISS.SI-ID 1315683