The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
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Kappra Coffee Talks on Research

K - 06

Presentation of the results of measurements related to the security of GNSS operation in recent times 

Matej Bažec and Franc Dimc


18.10.2017 at 12.15, Lecture room 204



The increased use of systems based on satellite navigation (tracking, geo-fencing, fleet optimisation, field marking, augmented reality games, etc.) has also led to the development of devices which may interfere with receivers (jammers) or even be misleading. Popular solutions are based on the programmable radio (SDR), which captures the raw electromagnetic signal in the considered frequency band, converts it into digital form and then sends it to a computer. Although almost all jammers emit chirp and poorly stable signals, whose spectrum is centred around the GPS frequency L1 (1575.42 MHz).