Round table: Which big data analyses with artificial intelligence procedures are of interest to us at UL FPP? (experience with a large amount of data from the Port of Koper)
Marko Perkovič
14.3.2018 at 12.15, Lecture room 204
The term big data does not only mean a large amount of available or stored data, but also its intensive processing using modern analysis techniques to transform large amounts of data into complex information. At UL FPP, we obtain data through the Mediterranean Sea AIS with a lower time resolution (every 6 minutes) and full resolution data for the Adriatic region, which allows analyses of waterway use, forecasts of traffic density in the future, and research into maritime accidents, taking into account weather and oceanographic data. In order to monitor the latter, the researchers at FPP have designed and installed systems for monitoring the sea level (tides and waves), wind and visibility (METOCEAN), which work perfectly and increase the safety of navigation and port operations. UL FPP has also installed a laser rangefinder to monitor the mooring of ships.