MUSE - Cross-border collaboration for Energetically efficient Sustainable University Mobility
FPP project manager: Asst. Prof. Dr. Blaž LUIN
Project duration: from 01.10.2017 to 31.03.2020
- RFVG: Cacciaguerra Sebartiano,
- UTI: Brazzafolli Federica,
- UL: Darja Šemrov,
- RRA-SP: Jasmina Nikić,
- RRA-LUR: Matej Gojčič.
Project description:
The MUSE project brings together 6 partners (3 Italian and 3 Slovenian), and 5 Associates (3 Italian and 2 Slovenian) in a close partnership aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions within the context urban and extra-urban mobility for the cross-border Local Authorities. As Lead Partner, the University of Trieste will lead the University of Ljubljana, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the UTI of Noncello (Municipalities of Fontanafredda, Porcia, Pordenone, Roveredo in Piano and Zoppola), the Regional Agency of Nova Gorica, and the Regional Agency of Ljubljana in the activities aimed at achieving the project’s objectives. The primary objective is to increase the Public Administrations’ responsibility for integrating energy efficiency within their sustainable mobility planning processes by establishing the relative guidelines and action plan. The guidelines will provide the methodology for incorporating the activities of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) and the innovative Sustainable Mobility Urban Plans (SUMP) on integrated mobility issues within the mobility planning tools.
The action plan will allow the PA to experiment with this methodology exclusively within the context of the university’s students’ and employees’ mobility, which will serve as a testing ground for the entire urban, extra-urban and cross-border mobility context. The secondary objective is to strengthen cross-border cooperation between Public Administrations via the cross-border Community, with the support of research centres, universities and operators in the sector. Finally, the project aims to promote innovative low-carbon mobility services by involving university students and employees in its pilot measures. These pilot measures consist of shared mobility services (e.g. e-bike and e-car sharing), with recharging points powered by renewable sources, and an information system for the management and monitoring of the charging points and mobility services.
Main results:
The project’s primary objective is to develop guidelines and an action plan for the local Public Bodies regarding the integration of energy efficiency elements within the urban, extra-urban and cross-border mobility context. Thanks to the MUSE project, Public Administrations will improve their ability to plan low environmental impact mobility services, while students and university employees will have more sustainable mobility services at their disposal during the implementation of the pilot measures. In particular, during the course of the pilot measures, the project will implement and test energy efficient mobility solutions involving the use of electric vehicles inserted within a micro-grid logic, the production of energy using renewable sources, and the use of smart systems for monitoring and managing the mobility services themselves, with the support of ICT. Universities and research centres will capitalise on the research and studies carried out in the fields of sustainable mobility, energy efficiency in terms of CO2 reduction, and energy balances in the transport sector, while the Public Administrations will capitalise on the innovative initiatives envisaged by the project territories’ SEAPs and SUMPs. This collaboration will lead to increased knowledge and responsibility on the part of the public administrations. The development of a Cross-Border Community that fosters dialogue and the exchange of experiences and information between Public Administrations, Research Centres/Universities, and operators in the transport sector will ensure the durability of the project’s results, and will lead to greater awareness of eco-sustainable behaviour among citizens. In fact, citizens will have the opportunity to adopt or reinforce their eco-sustainable urban, suburban, and cross-border mobility behaviour thanks to the low carbon mobility services implemented by the partnership and promoted by the Cross-border Community.
Project home page: