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Vabljeni na 2. stopnjo/ Welcome to the 2nd Cycle



*** SLO

Študentke in študentje, ki vas zanima poglobitev ali v pomorstvo ali v promet!


Do 26. avgusta 2022 še zbiramo prijave za magistrski študij 2. stopnje.


Informacije o podiplomskih študijskih programih Fakultete za pomorstvo in promet Univerze v Ljubljani najdete najprej na tej povezavi, 2.stopnja, kjer izberete ali Promet ali Pomorstvo, dodatna vprašanja pa pošljite na naslov študentskega referata: .   


Želim vam dobro odločitev!



izr. prof. dr. Peter Vidmar,

dekan UL FPP



**  EN    

Students interested in going deeper in maritime studies or transportation!  

We are accepting applications for the second cycle master's degree programme until August 26, 2022  (https://www.uni-lj.si/study/master/call-for-enrolmet-22).


For information about the postgraduate programmes at the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport at the University of Ljubljana, please visit this link, second cycle, where you can choose either Maritime Studies or Transport and send additional questions to the Student Office address: .  


I wish you a good decision for your future!



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Vidmar,



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