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EURAXESS organizira on-line Mentoring program / webinar



UL v sodelovanju z mrežo EURAXESS organizira on-line Mentoring program / webinar, ki je namenjen vsem UL raziskovalcem.


Potekal bo preko zooma, v torek, 5. 3. 2024, od 14:00 – 15:30, preko zooma: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86459408107?pwd=N3dFT2hNd0tuSWVZaE9VK0pIRmpUdz09


Namen webinarja je predstaviti EURAXESS mentoring program / orodje, ki je namenjen tako mentorjem kot mentorirancem in vzpodbuditi aktivno uporabo tega orodja tudi med UL raziskovalci.


Registracija pred dogodkom ni potrebna.



14:00 What is EURAXESS and why it is helpful for Researchers
14:20 EURAXESS Mentoring Program
14:40 Practical demonstration of the EURAXESS portal
15:00 How to benefit from EURAXESS Career Development Tools
15:15 Discussion and questions
15:30 Closing of the meeting


EURAXESS is a unique web portal promoted by the European Commission, which offers job, funding and hosting opportunities, career development guidance and free tools to researchers and innovators seeking to advance their careers and personal development by moving to other countries. The EURAXESS network counts 43 European countries and 9 worldwide hubs.


Mentoring programme aims to encourage and to facilitate transnational mobility, byfostering cooperation between the researchers from European Research Area (ERA)and EURAXESS Worldwide (thrid) countries. Within the framework of this programme,experienced researchers will have the unique opportunity to mentor early-stageresearchers and support their integration and career development in internationalmobility perspective.https://mentoring.euraxess.bg/