K - 44
Vivien Lorenčič
Mozghan Mansouri Kaleibar
Dejan Žagar
Matej Bažec
Franc Dimc
4.12.2024 v predavalnici 204 med 12:10 in 12:55
Mozghan Mansouri Kaleibar: Research on Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Adriatic Container Ports, conducted using a mathematical method. The study highlights efficiency benchmarks, environmental trade-offs, and opportunities for improving infrastructure in less efficient ports. This presentation is part of the insights I gained from attending the International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, BIMTECH, Noida, Delhi, India, which brought together global experts to discuss cutting-edge efficiency analysis methods.
o predavateljih in prispevkih:
MMK https://revistes.upc.edu/index.php/MT/article/view/12804